Round Two of the HEPL Local Author Fair!

I couldn’t attend last years HEPL (that’s Hamilton East Public Library for anyone wondering) local author fair due to being on an admittedly fantastic vacation to East Asia. For this year’s, however, I have no such conflict, so I’m happy to announce that I will once again be attending! You can find a link with …

Time’s Bridge at Hamilton Southeast Libraries

The wonderful people over at the Hamilton Southeast Libraries have accepted Time’s Bridge into their collection! You can find it soon at both the Fishers, IN and Noblesville, IN branches soon! I’m also looking forward to learning about an upcoming author fair, and hope to meet and talk with potential fans whenever that comes around.

Library Donation!

After quite a long time waiting, the Hamilton East Public Library has voiced interest in Time’s Bridge! I plan to donate a few copies to the Fishers location, probably this weekend. If you happen to live in the Indianapolis area (however unlikely that is) feel free to head over and check out a copy. I’m …

Live Author Event!

For anyone in Southeast Michigan, I’m excited to announce I’ll be doing an author event at Cromain Library in Hartland on December 9th at 6:30 PM (! I’ll be talking about my book, as well as my experiences writing and self-publishing. I plan to bring several paperback and hardcover copies to sell at a steep …