I Guess Practice Really Does Make Perfect (or at least better)

Pouring pretty much all of my free time into editing book two, Time’s Continuum, is really paying off it seems. Editing is going way faster than I was expecting, so I’m already about 70 pages deep (17% or so since it’s longer than the first book). I’m sure things are going to slow down as …

Dragon Tuesday/Thursday Days 3 & 4

Oops, I accidentally forgot to post last Thursday’s dragon (the one on top). On top of that, it’s already Tuesday again, so it’s a double dragon day! As a writing update, I’ve also completed 70-80 pages of the first draft of Time’s Continuum! I’m managing to stay on track for finishing by the end of …

Fusion, the Greenbrier, and the Future

For anyone who’s read Time’s Bridge, you’ll already know that Fusion power and its potential features pretty prevalently throughout the story. It’s long been a technology I find very interesting, and with a lot of promise to solve many of mankind’s problems. In that vein, I plan to go a story discussing it over on …