More Writing and My First Concept Art!!

First off, I’ve finally gotten to the part of the climax I’ve had in the back of my head for probably three years! Not to spoil it, but it involves a celestial body we’re all very familiar with. I’ve been struggling to get the right feeling for the scene, and I haven’t been sure where I wanted to take things, but, as I’m writing this an idea just popped into my head. I should do this a bit more often, haha. Having sworn enemies be forced to work together because of dire circumstances is somewhat of a classic, but I think I can put a pretty entertaining spin on it.

Besides writing, though, I’ve actually been working with a local artist for several months to get a piece of artwork done. Her name is Haley Ennis (Instagram @haleyennis_art), and she’s been a joy to work with and a fount of good ideas! She still has a few finishing touches to put on the piece, and so has requested that I wait to post it, but I just love it so much, and am so stoked to have my characters brought to life that I wanted to mention it anyway. Of course, I’ll have to post it as soon as I have the final version in hand and find good permanent home for it here on my website, but I’ll worry about that later. Once I post it, I’m anxious to hear what everyone thinks!

A Couple Local Donations

Anyone who lives on Indy’s north side should go check out the Half Priced Books on 82nd street, or books&brews for a little surprise ;). I meant to sent out this update a few days ago, but last Saturday I stopped off at both of them and donated a few copies (signed and everything) to both. If you want a copy and have been holding off until now, go grab them for pennies on the dollar!

That aside, I’ve been making slow progress on book two, although I’m pleased with how some of the ideas popping into my head have turned out. All the way up to page 387 now! Stay tuned for more!

Making Good on My Promise

So, as I expected, things finally quieted down at work and I was able to turn my attention back to writing. I only started on Friday, and as usual I’m slow, but I’ve got a few pages under my belt since starting back up. It was a bit tricky at first getting back in to the groove, and remembering where I had left off (like I thought it would be), but it’s been great jumping back in for the most part. Even after only a few hours, I already had ideas beginning to swirl even when I was away working on chores or taking care of my son. It may sound a little cliche, but I’m proud of myself.

With today being mother’s day and all, spending time with my wife and son is more important that just about anything else, but I’m still going to try my best to get a little something down if I can. I’m so close to the big showdown between my protagonist and antagonist it’s killing me!

A Long Time Due

After a busy, and sometimes anxiety filled year, it feels good to finally getting back to this. I know I hadn’t posted in a while, but coming back and seeing it has been over a year was shocking to say the least. It was never my intention to disappear without warning or explanation of course, but here we are. With work consuming more and more of my attention early last year, and with complications arising with my wife’s pregnancy (our little guy is fine thankfully), this sort of thing simply fell by the wayside. As much as I wish I had kept things going, I’m sure I made the right choice prioritizing family.

Still, it’s long overdue that I bring you guys up to speed on what I’ve been up to with my book and more generally. With my son turning one today, there’s never been a more perfect time to reflect and contemplate what the road ahead might hold. First and foremost, book two and the supplement.

Book two has been coming along really well actually despite everything, even if I did go on hiatus near the end of last year. I’m deep into the first draft and went on my break right in the middle of writing the climax. It’ll be interesting getting back into things and remembering all the intracacies of what was going on, but it’ll also be fun and rewarding. Fingers crossed things finally clear up at work enough in the next couple weeks. A quick aside, I’m really interested to see what people think of book two. I definitely think it will defy expectations. With one AI causing so much trouble, imagine what two could do… or a whole race of them perhaps?

Next, the supplemental work. A rough draft, really really rough, has been done since early last year, minus all the interesting pictures and diagrams I’m looking to fill it with (hence why it’s so rough). Fortunately, my wife is a fantastic artist and is ready and willing to lend me a hand when it comes to the illustrations. Now, you might be wondering why pictures are making an appearance in the supplement, and all I can say to that is, you’ll have to give it a read. Really though, it’s thanks to it being a sort of history book covering world events between books one and two. I had the idea early on that collages, diagrams, charts, and timelines would be a more entertaining way of communicating the information I wanted to get across rather than leaving it all to plain old prose. Of course, there’s still plenty of words though, it’s not like I’m writing a children’s book here.

On a more tangible note, I’ve been thinking about trying to hold an event near me (northeast suburbs of Indianapolis) to promote the book and meet people interested in giving it a read in person. My plan is to reach out to local bookstores, be they big or small, and see if I can give them a few copies to sell. It would mean little to no income of them of course, but at this stage it’s more about getting copies and the name out in the wild rather than raking in the cash (that’ll come later 😉 ). Besides that, there’s a nearby shop called Donuts and Dragons that would be perfect for a meet and greet/signing. A place run by nerds where you can play games and is dragon themed, I mean come on… Hopefully they think so too and they don’t send me packing.

Finally, my trip to asia. I just came home from an amazing trip with my wife to Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. One of the best, most enlightening experiences of my life, I really want to share some of the things I saw (which’ll be a breeze considering how many pictures she took). Going up Taipei 101, seeing Mount Fuji up close an personal, stopping by the DMZ, and much much more, it was like a dream come true. It’s hard to believe it happened and that it’s over. If I was better at social media, my account would be 99% pictures from the trip by now, but that’s just not me. It’ll have to come in another post, but it’ll be worth the wait, I swear. And this time it won’t take a year plus.

The moral of the story, I hope to provide updates (no matter how small) maybe once a week or every other. Book two’s climax is intense to say the least, so it’ll be a productive way to channel all that energy swelling up in my fingers when I write.

Anyway, see you soon.

HEPL Local Author Fair

Join me and 41 other adult, YA, and children’s authors at the Hamilton East Public Library 2022 Local Author Fair on April 10 from 1pm to 5pm, at the FORUM Events Center in Fishers!

I’ll be supplying a copy of Time’s Bridge for the give away drawing as well as selling hardcover and paperback copies at steep discounts! Plus I’ll even sign your copy if you buy one or bring one!

Catchup for Last Week

Somehow I neglected to post anything last week, oops… to make up for it here’s a dump of all my dailies from last week and today’s brand new dragon picture for Dragon Tuesday Day 8!

This week’s technology solid-state batteries! Despite being a hot up-and-coming new technology solid-state batteries, or more precisely solid electrodes, have been known for well over a hundred years. Problems with energy density and cost have prevented widespread adoption, but starting in the 2010s there has been renewed interest.
With the promise of being safer, stronger, recharging faster and more times, and maybe even being cheaper, there’s a lot to look forward to. In the future, this could prove to be a major boon to the burgeoning electric car industry.

This past Sunday was also the first of many Scripture Sundays! The verse of the week was Luke 6:37, a reminder to not judge others lest you be judged and to bring forgiveness into everything you do.

On top of all that, I was excepted for a local author fair at the Hamilton East Public Library that will be taking place on April 10th! If you live in the Indianapolis or Fishers area come and see me and bring your questions! It will be great to get together with other local authors and get to know the local community better!

Dragon Tuesday/Thursday Days 3 & 4

Oops, I accidentally forgot to post last Thursday’s dragon (the one on top). On top of that, it’s already Tuesday again, so it’s a double dragon day!

As a writing update, I’ve also completed 70-80 pages of the first draft of Time’s Continuum! I’m managing to stay on track for finishing by the end of the year. It’s turning out really well so far, and I’m excited to see what people think of the fun sci-fi ideas I have planned.

Dragon Thursday Day 3
Dragon Tuesday Day 4

Drachen Dienstag&Donnerstag Day 1

Starting today, and planning to continue indefinitely, is dragon Thursday! And if you’re asking yourself, “Why Thursday?”, any of you out there who know German might recall Tuesday and Thursday start with a ‘D’ (Dienstag and Donnerstag). Which begs the question, “Is there going to be a dragon Tuesday too?”, and to that, I say, “Yes!”. One picture of fantasy’s coolest fire-breathing reptile a week is hardly enough!

Of course, if you know anything about Time’s Bridge or have even glanced at the cover, you’ll know this is definitely on theme. It might be scifi, but dragons make everything better, am I right?

As for the art itself, these are pictures I’ve found over the years that I’ve mainly been using as desktop backgrounds. They are from all over and from tons of different artists, so I am in no way claiming any of them as my own (unless I say otherwise).

For any of you out there who like dragons as much as I do, or at least appreciate their near-ubiquity in the worlds of fantasy, I hope I can make your Tuesdays and Thursdays a little brighter! There’s so much fascinating history and cultural significance built around them, too. Maybe I’ll try and squeeze in a bit of knowledge each week too. What do you think?

I already posted this on Instagram, but I thought this would be a great place to include in this adventure too!

Keep Tabs on my Writing Journey

Come along for the ride, a ride filled with AI, dragons, and who knows what else!

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