
Long Time No Post, Book Two Tail Stretch, and a New Five-Star Review!

It’s officially been forever since I’ve posted yet again, and there’s no wonder with how busy I’ve been writing and handling things in my personal life. As someone whose never been much for social media, taking time out of my day to try and think something up and throw it on here has always been a challenge, and definitely not a priority. Not getting into things more than a little bit, with a second kiddo on the way, that’s been my focus outside of work and writing (and taking care of the first obviously).

As for writing, this second draft of the sequel has slowed down some, but it’s still going really well. I’m about 70% through it at the moment, and I’ve just gotten back in touch with the artist who did the concept art from earlier in the year that I’m using as the cover now. I think having the cover for book two be by the same artist will lend some nice cohesion.

And last but not least, I got a five-star review from Jeyran Main! You can check out the review below! It’s always nice to get feedback from people beyond just my friends and family (even if I do appreciate my little fan club a ton too). The review includes some very kind words and you should definitely check it out along with the other cool stuff their site has to offer.

Well, there’s no real telling well I’ll post next, especially with baby number two imminent, so here’s me signing off for now. If I don’t come back here before the end of the year. Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas lol


I Guess Practice Really Does Make Perfect (or at least better)

Pouring pretty much all of my free time into editing book two, Time’s Continuum, is really paying off it seems. Editing is going way faster than I was expecting, so I’m already about 70 pages deep (17% or so since it’s longer than the first book). I’m sure things are going to slow down as I hit the sections that have some more substantial changes that came to mind since finishing the first draft, but still, it’s been really encouraging not to get bogged down. If I keep up a similar pace, hopefully I’ll have a second, finalish, draft done by the summer. Fortunately, I have friends, family, and fellow writers to help me polish things up from there.

On a different note, starting this morning I notice way more people than usual subscribing. If you don’t mind me asking, I’m curious how you guys stumbled upon my humble little blog? Feel free to leave a comment. No matter the reason, though, I’m super excited to have you!

Round Two of the HEPL Local Author Fair!

I couldn’t attend last years HEPL (that’s Hamilton East Public Library for anyone wondering) local author fair due to being on an admittedly fantastic vacation to East Asia. For this year’s, however, I have no such conflict, so I’m happy to announce that I will once again be attending! You can find a link with details below. Come check it out and meet/talk to me as well as 50+ other authors of works ranging from sci-fi, to horror, to children’s books! I’ll be signing copies and selling prints of my cover art as well!


A New Year, a New Chance to Make It Big

Having gone through multiple revisions of the supplement I’ve been working on since finishing the first draft in September, I’m getting dangerously close to releasing it to the world. The only thing left is one last go over and to square away a few illustrations (that’s right there’s pictures) and the cover. Once that’s done in the next couple of months hopefully, I can put it up on KDP/send it out for review to family and friends as well as the more general reviewer community.

That’s not all, though. Speaking of reviews, I’ve put in quite a bit of work on giving my book a new look and making it work properly on eBooks. Using the fantastic piece I had done by Haley Moore, I updated Time’s Bridge’s cover, and I must admit, while the original was quite good, this new one certainly has more impact. That besides, to get the eBook working, and with it’s annoying limitations, I had to change Volucer’s speech to be in italics versus another font. However, the upside is definitely worth it since its now reflowable and will dynamically adjust the words on the screen like most eBooks. Weirdly this endeavor required uploading an entirely new book and so at the moment the eBook is separate from the physical copies and has no reviews or ratings, but Amazon said it should link automatically in the next couple of days. Here’s hoping.

If all goes to plan, granted things never do, I should be working on revising book two by March or April. The supplement has been a blast to do, but it will be good to get back into the main story and continue writing about Volucer’s adventures and exploits.

Done and Dusted; Supplement Draft One Complete

Over the past few months, I’ve been hard at work putting together the first draft of the supplemental piece that takes place between book one and two of the series. A much different style than the primary parts of the series, I’m planning on including numerous charts and illustrations to complement what I wrote. Unfortunately, those aren’t done yet, but like the first book’s cover, my wife will be helping bring those to life. Only a few dozen pages as compared to the hundreds of the main novels, it was a joy to write and hopefully a joy to read. I’m thinking I’ll post a snippet here soon, but I definitely need some friends and family to give it a read first. I never seem to get the grammar quite right on my first attempt.

For now, though, I’m planning to take a bit of a break before going back over the supplement to create something ready for prime time. I had originally hoped to get book two out by years end, but its looking more likely that the supplement will be taking its place. Still an achievement, but a bit disappointing notheless. In either case, it might be another while before I post, so if I forget, have a good Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas!

A Boy and His Artificially Intelligent AI Dragon

Here it is! Pons and Volucer in the flesh thanks to Haley Ennis (Instagram @haleyennis_art)! I’m so happy with how it turned out! On top of this, I also got to the end of the climax and have started on the falling action and the conclusion to book two. When it comes to Time’s Bridge, it’s been a pretty great couple of weeks. Of course, there’s still the matter of finding a permanent place that’s easy to find. I guess it’s time to start a gallery!

Keep Tabs on my Writing Journey

Come along for the ride, a ride filled with AI, dragons, and who knows what else!

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