Round Two of the HEPL Local Author Fair!

I couldn’t attend last years HEPL (that’s Hamilton East Public Library for anyone wondering) local author fair due to being on an admittedly fantastic vacation to East Asia. For this year’s, however, I have no such conflict, so I’m happy to announce that I will once again be attending! You can find a link with …

Catchup for Last Week

Somehow I neglected to post anything last week, oops… to make up for it here’s a dump of all my dailies from last week and today’s brand new dragon picture for Dragon Tuesday Day 8! This week’s technology solid-state batteries! Despite being a hot up-and-coming new technology solid-state batteries, or more precisely solid electrodes, have …

Dragon Tuesday/Thursday Days 3 & 4

Oops, I accidentally forgot to post last Thursday’s dragon (the one on top). On top of that, it’s already Tuesday again, so it’s a double dragon day! As a writing update, I’ve also completed 70-80 pages of the first draft of Time’s Continuum! I’m managing to stay on track for finishing by the end of …

Drachen Dienstag&Donnerstag Day 1

Starting today, and planning to continue indefinitely, is dragon Thursday! And if you’re asking yourself, “Why Thursday?”, any of you out there who know German might recall Tuesday and Thursday start with a ‘D’ (Dienstag and Donnerstag). Which begs the question, “Is there going to be a dragon Tuesday too?”, and to that, I say, …