First Ten Chapters on Wattpad

You can now find the first ten chapters of Time’s Bridge for free on Wattpad! Head over there and give it a read if you’re interested, but don’t want to buy a copy just yet. The formatting is a little lacking because of limitations on the site, sorry about that :/ Happy reading!

Live Author Event!

For anyone in Southeast Michigan, I’m excited to announce I’ll be doing an author event at Cromain Library in Hartland on December 9th at 6:30 PM (! I’ll be talking about my book, as well as my experiences writing and self-publishing. I plan to bring several paperback and hardcover copies to sell at a steep …

Fusion, the Greenbrier, and the Future

For anyone who’s read Time’s Bridge, you’ll already know that Fusion power and its potential features pretty prevalently throughout the story. It’s long been a technology I find very interesting, and with a lot of promise to solve many of mankind’s problems. In that vein, I plan to go a story discussing it over on …


I just wanted to thank anyone who downloaded Time’s Bridge as part of the free eBook promotion, and also just say I’m going out of town on vacation for several days so don’t expect much from me. I hope everyone is having a good time reading, whether my book or something else!