A New Year, a New Chance to Make It Big

Having gone through multiple revisions of the supplement I’ve been working on since finishing the first draft in September, I’m getting dangerously close to releasing it to the world. The only thing left is one last go over and to square away a few illustrations (that’s right there’s pictures) and the cover. Once that’s done in the next couple of months hopefully, I can put it up on KDP/send it out for review to family and friends as well as the more general reviewer community.

That’s not all, though. Speaking of reviews, I’ve put in quite a bit of work on giving my book a new look and making it work properly on eBooks. Using the fantastic piece I had done by Haley Moore, I updated Time’s Bridge’s cover, and I must admit, while the original was quite good, this new one certainly has more impact. That besides, to get the eBook working, and with it’s annoying limitations, I had to change Volucer’s speech to be in italics versus another font. However, the upside is definitely worth it since its now reflowable and will dynamically adjust the words on the screen like most eBooks. Weirdly this endeavor required uploading an entirely new book and so at the moment the eBook is separate from the physical copies and has no reviews or ratings, but Amazon said it should link automatically in the next couple of days. Here’s hoping.

If all goes to plan, granted things never do, I should be working on revising book two by March or April. The supplement has been a blast to do, but it will be good to get back into the main story and continue writing about Volucer’s adventures and exploits.

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