First Ten Chapters on Wattpad

You can now find the first ten chapters of Time’s Bridge for free on Wattpad! Head over there and give it a read if you’re interested, but don’t want to buy a copy just yet. The formatting is a little lacking because of limitations on the site, sorry about that :/ Happy reading!

Live Author Event!

For anyone in Southeast Michigan, I’m excited to announce I’ll be doing an author event at Cromain Library in Hartland on December 9th at 6:30 PM (! I’ll be talking about my book, as well as my experiences writing and self-publishing. I plan to bring several paperback and hardcover copies to sell at a steep …

Fusion, the Greenbrier, and the Future

For anyone who’s read Time’s Bridge, you’ll already know that Fusion power and its potential features pretty prevalently throughout the story. It’s long been a technology I find very interesting, and with a lot of promise to solve many of mankind’s problems. In that vein, I plan to go a story discussing it over on …