
The eBook, paperback, and hardcover versions of Time’s Bridge are now available on Amazon! Check it out, give it a read and leave a review to help me out! You can purchase the book via the “Purchase” page at the top of the site or using the link below. Also, please explore the rest of the site to find more out about me, Time’s Bridge, my plans for future installments, excerpts, and more! But be careful of spoilers. To be safe, why don’t you read the book first and then come back, but no pressure.

Purchase Link: https://www.amazon.com/Times-Bridge-Cameron-Roberts/dp/B09CC64GCK

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More than a Book

A Vision of our Future

The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.

Arthur C. Clarke

Ever since I was a child I’ve always believed mankind’s greatest strength is our ability create, to invent and discover new ways to solve our problems never before thought possible. There is, of course, no greater example of this than computers. Tiny pieces of silicon turned into magical machines with seemingly endless potential. Finance, medicine, science, engineering, nothing can escape the influence of our ingenuity. Still, the full width and breadth of our creation has not yet been achieved. That’s where artificial intelligence comes in, and I don’t mean google knowing what you’re searching for before you do. I’m talking about a self aware, human-like A.I. that would put Einstein to shame. Try as we might, however, this milestone still eludes us. And so, with all that in mind, I started writing.

Come my sophomore year of college whilst studying abroad in England my ideas, thanks to a nudge from a friend, quite suddenly began being deposited in ink. To be honest I didn’t spend very long at all coming up with an overarching plot, it was more of a ‘make it up as I went’ kind of experience. Writing whenever I could get the chance while working my way towards graduation and beyond, I finally arrived with a final product I could really be proud of after a lot of time and effort. Not only that, I had come up with more ideas than I could ever hope to put between just two covers, my book had become a series, or at least a plan for one.

So then, here I am. Starting my journey out into the public eye with the self-publication of my first novel, Time’s Bridge, through Kindle Direct Publishing. It’s been a long journey since I started in late 2013 and I’m grateful for everyone that’s helped me along the way. Hopefully, having found yourself here, a story of the first true artificial intelligence interests you, especially one in the body of a giant robot dragon. Either way there’s a pair of excerpts for your reading pleasure and links to my Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Goodreads, and Amazon. I’m new to all this, but I hope to keep up with posting here and on social media about how things are going, science, technology, and anything else that strikes my fancy. Thanks for taking the time to visit my website, and I hope to peak your interest for a long time to come, especially with my upcoming second novel in the series, Time’s Continuum.

Keep Tabs on my Writing Journey

Come along for the ride, a ride filled with AI, dragons, and who knows what else!

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Keep Tabs on my Writing Journey

Come along for the ride, a ride filled with AI, dragons, and who knows what else!

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    1. Interesting. I’ll have to look up precisely what this means. Thanks for the comment, regardless.

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